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A green tractor on a sunny day under blue skies in a field full of yellow-flowered oil seed rape plans.

Our Specialist Services

For more than six decades we have been putting you and your business first.

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Erica sat at a desk facing the camera and smiling.
As part of Membership Services, I'm here to answer your questions or listen to feedback.

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    Ian Smith smiling

    Passionate about service

    If you’ve got any questions about our processes, services or support or want to provide us with some feedback, we would love to hear from you.

      Frequently asked questions

      With over 60 years of experience working with farmers, we are alive to the challenges and changes facing UK Agriculture today.
      I'm interested in joining - what do I do next?

      Our professional and friendly team in Membership Services would love to talk to you.

      Simply fill in the online contact form , or call 01507 602396, option 4 / email to take the first step in becoming a member.

      We'll then discuss what you're looking for and how we can help you.

      How long does the application process take?

      Once we have been to see you and submitted your application then the process is quite speedy.

      What do I need to provide?

      At the enquiry stage we simply need to know a little bit about you and our team will then be in touch.  If you choose to go ahead, you'll need to send our external accountants 2 years of audited accounts (we don't see these).

      Who will see my accounts?

      The only people who see these are our external accountants.

      Can I speak to an existing member?

      Of course, we have several regional Ambassadors who would be delighted to share their experience with you.  Alternatively, we have many other members, who would be happy to help.

      Do I have to buy everything I need through Woldmarsh?

      No, there is no upfront commitment to purchase when you choose to work with Woldmarsh. The higher the spend through your account, the lower the levy rate you are charged, the cost of being a member is therefore based on your turnover through the group.

      Can you offer payment terms?

      Working with a multitude of suppliers means we are often able to work collaboratively with them to offer payment options to members. If you are looking to manage your input payments, just ask. Our friendly team of experts is always here to help.

      Do you offer rebates on machinery and equipment?

      Of course. We have schemes in place with a number of suppliers who offer rebates to Woldmarsh members, with all rebates returned directly to you.

      What geographical area do you cover?

      We have members throughout the UK, although predominantly based in the east of England. Our office is based in Louth, Lincolnshire and from here we service all our members.

      How much does it cost to join?

      There is a one-off joining fee of £250 + VAT and thereafter a minimum quarterly charge for the extensive service we offer which is outlined in our membership pack. This is, on average less than 1% of a member’s annual spend.

      Do members have responsibility for each others' bad debts?

      No. All our members contribute to the Woldmarsh Contingency Fund (£8/month for the first five years of membership, reducing to £4/month thereafter), in the event of a bad debt this fund would be used.

      How do I buy products and services through Woldmarsh?

      There are many ways you can buy products and services through Woldmarsh.

      • You can speak to a supplier directly and ask for an invoice to be booked to your Woldmarsh account.
      • Ask the office to arrange quotes for a product or service, you confirm which one you would like to proceed with and we place the order with the supplier.
      • Ask your agronomist to liaise directly with our Crop Inputs team and order chemicals, seed and fertiliser on your behalf.

      Our specialist teams will review product quality, supply availability and price to get the right deal for you. Every time.