Spring Broadacre Crops
The availability of spring seed is extremely limited. Many suppliers are all ‘sold out subject to outturn’. This is due to many factors that have come together to result in the difficult position the industry finds itself in today.
Looking back, Autumn 2022 was an open sowing season which presented good future prices resulting in an increased winter crop area and a reduced spring area available for seed production.
Fast-forward to Spring 2023 and it was by all counts a difficult growing season. This resulted in lower yields and poorer germination standards further reducing the tonnage of available seed to sell.
Autumn 2023 was a predictably difficult season, leading to an unprecedented demand for spring seed. Suppliers were understandably nervous about overselling their availability book and went ‘sold out’ very early.
All cereal seed is virtually sold out for the season, there could be the option to purchase imported cereal seed. Spring beans and peas are virtually sold out. Maize, linseed and OSR are still available options for this spring.
Sustainable Farming - Incentive Seeds
The interest in SFI actions that require seed inputs has increased following an exceedingly difficult autumn for establishing OSR and cereals. Legume fallows and winter bird food options are under consideration on a greater
number of farms. There is a finite limit to the availability of small seeds that are used to make up the mixtures for these actions.
Most of this seed is grown abroad in suitable climates and imported into the UK but has not been
grown in enough quantity to satisfy the new demand from UK farmers. If you are entering into SFI agreements,
please order seed as soon as possible.
Autumn's Aftermath
There's no denying that autumn 2023’s difficult conditions will have a knock-on effect on the availability of seed for autumn 2024 sowing. This includes both wheat and barley and it particularly affects the new varieties that were added to the recommended list in November. If any of the new varieties including LG Beowulf, Bamford, Blackstone and SY Cheer are of interest for next season, seed needs booking now.