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APA Agri Procurement Alliance

The Agri Procurement Alliance (APA)

Revolutionising Fertiliser Procurement

In a groundbreaking move set to reshape the agricultural landscape, Woldmarsh, Fram Farmers, and the AF Group declared an unprecedented alliance in March 2023. This monumental collaboration heralded a visionary endeavour aimed at streamlining purchases, leveraging combined volumes, and driving savings for their respective memberships. The birth of The Agri Procurement Alliance (APA) has been a culmination of tireless efforts over the past 10 months, resulting in a significant milestone: the "go-live" moment on January 5th, 2024, specifically for fertiliser procurement, excluding liquid variants.

This strategic partnership signifies a unified approach wherein the three entities will collectively negotiate preferential terms and conduct joint purchases whenever possible. Despite this huge shift, members can expect minimal disruption in their interactions with the fertiliser team. The familiar touchpoints stay intact – Ben is still the point of contact, orders come through Woldmarsh, and invoicing procedures remain unchanged. APA works as the conduit facilitating joined up negotiations with suppliers.

A notable alteration in the timeline revolves around the dispatch of annual fertiliser requirement forms, now scheduled for March. This adjustment aims to enable all three groups to engage with members, pooling tonnages for enhanced negotiation strength with suppliers. While recognising the early nature
of these inquiries in March, the alliance seeks insights from members regarding their anticipated needs, particularly focusing on nitrogen, nitrogen sulphur, and urea. Members' early input significantly fortifies the alliance's bargaining position, albeit it's a request for trust in this pioneering collaboration.

As the APA Fertiliser Director, with years of experience in the industry, the responsibility rests on me to guide Woldmarsh, Fram Farmers, and The AF Group's fertiliser managers in making well informed decisions. The past year has seen the cultivation of a robust, collaborative relationship among Ben
(Woldmarsh), Josh (AF), and India (Fram Farmers). Their commitment underscores the alliance's success, built on trust and collaboration.

The three CEOs share an unwavering commitment to the alliance's vision – to set an example of innovative success by challenging the fertiliser industry's conventional norms. Your support is pivotal as we embark on this transformative journey together.

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