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Green field with buttercups under a blue sky with fluffy clouds.

Here to help

In the wake of the recent events in the news affecting the agricultural industry, Lincolnshire Rural Support Network (LRSN) would like to remind everyone that is involved in agriculture and horticulture in Lincolnshire and the allied industries that support is available. We have also added other resources at the bottom of this article for those outside of Lincolnshire.

Lincolnshire Rural Support Network (LRSN) provides a lifeline to members of the agricultural and horticultural communities and allied industries. The LRSN helpline (0800 138 1710) is available from 8am – 8pm every day, fully trained volunteers are at the end of the phone ready to listen, there is also a helpline email ( for those who don’t feel confident to pick up the phone.

Health and Wellbeing Lead, Gilly and the team provide one-to-one support to individuals, families and businesses who are finding times difficult. Support can be a phone call periodically, a weekly visit, help with business advice, whatever you need LRSN will walk alongside you. 

Richard, who initially contacted the LRSN helpline in 2023, and has worked with the team to help him get back on track, says

“Life is like a game of snakes and ladders, and I came to a period in my life where there were a lot more snake and not many ladders to climb but talking to LRSN helps put the ladders back in for me. So, I’ve managed to scramble back up to a level, so instead of being zero I’m about six or seven on the ladder, so that’s good.”

LRSN are aware of the issues that the industry are facing and are here to support in whatever capacity is needed, the LRSN team are completely confidential and are only a phone call away.  

The LRSN vision is that no one in Lincolnshire’s agricultural and horticultural communities should face difficulty alone.

We understand that many of our members are based outside Lincolnshire and therefore all other resources are linked below.

Please contact any of the following the following services for help and advice:-

Lincolnshire Rural Support Network

LRSN Website | 07725 203560

Lincolnshire Rural & Agricultural Chaplaincy

LRAC Website |

Farming Community Network

FCN Website | 03000 111 999

Yorkshire Rural Support Network

YRSN Website | 01423 546217


Rabi Website | 0800 188 4444

Addington Fund

Addington Fund Website | 01926 620135


Samaritans Website | 116 123

Forage Aid

Forage Aid Website | 07967 219991

Perennial (Helping people in Horticulture)

Perennial Website | 0800 093 8543


Yana Website | 0300 323 0400

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