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73rd British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival - Day 2

Around 250 top ploughmen and women from all over Great Britain will compete at the 73rd British National Ploughing Championships which will be held on the Thoresby Estate, near Newark, Nottinghamshire by kind permission of Thoresby Farming.  

Two busy days - Saturday and Sunday, October 12th and 13th - will be packed with competitions for many types of plough and styles of ploughing, the highpoint of which will be when the British Champions are crowned and the top competitors are selected to represent England at the 2025 World and European Ploughing Championships.

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Dear Members,

Further to the revised Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023, as of the 1st of October 2023, any member that wishes to purchase any form of Ammonium Nitrate fertiliser, including NPK blends, MUST have on record with us a form of...

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In an unprecedented show of unity, the nine leading farmer co-operatives have come together to issue a statement following the recent budget. Through a coordinated approach, we aim to spread our message and encourage support wherever possible. This will include engaging with the...

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Upcoming Events


Wednesday 5th February 2025

Held at the York Auction Centre, Murton, York, YO19 5GF on the first Wednesday in February after the end of the shooting season.

The Show is the largest one day free to attend Machinery and Technology event in the north of England,...

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Thursday 13th February 2025

Spread the word! #LFC2025

The next Lincolnshire Farming Conference will take place at Lincolnshire Showground on Thursday 13th February 2025, to discuss Inspiring the Next Generation.

In times of...

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Thursday 20th February 2025

This event will mirror the Boston event - Further details will be added when available.

Members-only event - guests allowed by request, please email: to...

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